News from Representative Clarke

March 9, 2020



Thursday, February 27, 2020 


I spoke at the Subcommittee on Environment and Climate Change hearing on the Fiscal Year 2021 EPA Budget. It is my mission to hold the Administration accountable when they attack the nation's environmental safeguards. View video here. 


Tuesday, March 3, 2020 

ImageIt was a pleasure attending the Motion Picture Association Reception to honor Karyn A. Temple for her accomplishments as the new appointed global general counsel. Congratulations! 


Wednesday, March 4, 2020


The House passed a bipartisan and bicameral emergency Coronavirus response funding package of $8.3 billion that was signed by President Trump. It is important to listen to trusted experts and use preventative actions to help stop the spread of this disease. View tweet here. 

Tonight I am hosting a Coronavirus Tele-Town Hall—dial 866-757-0651 at 7:30 p.m. to join!


Friday, March 6, 2020 


Last week, I attended Rep. Meek's field hearing on the issue of redlining in our communities. We must never forget this immutable fact: The federal government created the middle class by expanding access to home ownership and systematically excluded marginalized communities through redlining. View tweet here. 


This information is accurate at the time of publication and is subject to change.


Committee on Homeland Security:

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Hearing on Community Perspectives on Coronavirus Preparedness and Response

  • Witnesses: Mr. Ron Klain, Former White House Ebola Response Coordinator (2014-2015) J. Nadine Gracia, MD, MSCE, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Trust for America’s Health Christopher Neuwirth, MA, MEP, CBCP, CEM, Assistant Commissioner, Division of Public Health Infrastructure, Laboratories, and Emergency Preparedness, New Jersey Department of Health Thomas Dobbs, MD, MPH, State Health Officer, Mississippi State Department of Health

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Hearing on Confronting the Coronavirus: The Federal Response

  • Witnesses: Ken Cuccinelli, Acting Deputy Secretary: U.S. Department of Homeland Security; Gary Rasicot, Acting Assistant Secretary: Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office, U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Committee on Energy and Commerce: 

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Bill Markup— Subcommittee on Communication and Technology

  • H.R. 5564, the Enhancing Broadcaster Diversity and Inclusion by Verifying and Ensuring the Reporting required by Statute Is Transpiring and Yielding Data Act or the Enhancing Broadcaster DIVERSITY Data Act

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Bill Markup—Subcommittee on Environment and Climate Change


Monday, March 9, 2020

Coronavirus Telephone Town Hall Tonight— to learn about the Coronavirus/COVID 19 pandemic and prevention tips from national and local health care professionals

  • Time: 7:30 p.m.
  • Date: Monday, March 9, 2020 
  • Dial:  866-757-0651 at 7:30 p.m. to join 
  • Details: There will be an opportunity for Q&A time permitting

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

  • Running Start Young Women to Watch Awards: An award reception to celebrate young women across the country who are trailblazers in their communities. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

  • Strengthening Haiti's Health Systems: Integrating the Diaspora to Advance Community Health and Malaria: A town hall to discuss perspectives and recommendations on creating sustainable systemic solutions to improve community health and malaria elimination initiatives in Haiti. 

Saturday, March 14, 2020

  • Isaiah's Temple of Mount Hope Spiritual Baptist Church Annual Prayer Breakfast: A breakfast to engage with the congregation of Isaiah's Temple of Mount Hope Spiritual Baptist Church on issues concerning their community.
  • Tivoli Towers Legislative Breakfast: A breakfast to discuss tenant and housing issues with the Tenant Association Group. 
  • Kings Who Cook: A Taste of Brooklyn: A friends and family event to showcase the talented culinary individuals. 
  • Census Panel Discussion: A Census panel discussion to inform the community about the importance of correctly filling out the 2020 Census. 
  • COJO Flatbush 41st Annual Community Legislative Breakfast: A legislative breakfast to discuss techniques to preserve and strengthen the quality of life of families in our communities. 





I was joined by the Cummings family, dear friends and politicians from both sides of the aisle in honor of the life and legacy of the late Chairman Elijah Cummings. The late Mr. Cummings continues to be a history-maker as he is now the first Black Member of the House to have a Committee Room named after him. View post here. 



Abortion care and birth control are women's health issues that are continuously being undermined. The Supreme Court of the United States of America must intervene and restore the basic rights of all women to have the choice to their own decision about health care. View tweet here. 



Thank you to the National Association of County LGBTQ Leaders and Allies for the vital work you do to lift a community that means so much to me. I will continue to fight for LGBTQ rights and equality because diversity is our strength. View post here.



While this Administration's request for emergency Coronavirus funding is insufficient, House Democrats are committed to protecting the American people through our emergency spending package that fully addresses this global crisis and protects health care funding. View tweet here.


As a part of my floor speech on the Reducing the Youth Tobacco Epidemic Act, I introduced the ACLU letter for the record. View video here. 


I want to remind my constituents that immigrants have rights. Stay vigilant. Stay protected. View tweet here. 


Trump's Administration repeatedly punishes immigrant communities. I am proud to represent a sanctuary city—regardless of Trump's threats to punish New York City for protecting immigrants and their families. View tweet here. 



I recognized the strong, powerful NYC Congresswomen making history every day, while fighting to create a better future for their constituents and the American people. I am proud to work alongside these brilliant leaders who have shown the world that there's nothing women can't accomplish. View post here. 



It brings me joy to have young constituents participating in politics at such an early age. I am grateful to the children from the East Midwood Jewish Center on Tu B'Shvat and their moving letters on protecting the Tongass National Forest. View post here. 



I spoke at the Black Women’s Roundtable National Summit. Thank you to the Black Women’s Roundtable for bringing 300+ Black women and girls to the nation’s capital to advocate for policies that impact our community. As the only Black NY Congresswoman, my vision of our democracy is one that is inclusive and elevates the voices of Black women and people of color. View post here.


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