Dear John,
Today, TIME named Danielle Fugere, As You Sow’s President and chief counsel, on the inaugural TIME100 Climate list recognizing the 100 most influential climate leaders driving business climate action. With 30 years of experience spearheading innovative climate strategies and positively influencing corporate action, Danielle joins an accomplished roster of climate leaders. | | | | From TIME’s article on Danielle’s work with As You Sow: Danielle Fugere is president and chief counsel of As You Sow, one of America’s most prominent nonprofit shareholder advocacy groups. As You Sow nudges the largest U.S. public companies toward adopting the green practices their investors want to see. These include emissions reporting, and the development of targets aligned with the Paris Agreement. As You Sow has effectively pushed companies like
Deere & Co., Dollar Tree, and Olympic Steel to adopt net-zero by 2050 commitments.
“I am honored to be named to this list,” said Danielle. “While TIME can only name 100 people, the true list of climate leaders is far longer. The corporate executives and boards that we engage every day at As You Sow understand that the future of their employees, customers, shareholders, and all stakeholders is dependent on decisions made today.” | | | TIME's Interview with Danielle
What is the single most important action you think the public, or a specific company or government, needs to take in the next year to advance the climate agenda?
Companies must stop investing capital in high-carbon, high-impact products, technologies, and materials. Every dollar invested in a product or technology that harms the climate is a dollar invested in climate destruction. To continue business as usual is madness. We can invest in solutions now or pay later for our bad decisions. We invest in our future daily. We can invest in the same extractive energy that harms
people and the planet and wrings exorbitant sums from families, or we can move investment dollars to cleaner, cheaper, less extractive solutions. Efficiency investments alone would dramatically reduce emissions while saving money.
What sustainability effort do you hope will gain popularity with the general public this year, and why?
This is the year of individual empowerment. Individual investors have the power to create change. Company boards are accountable to shareholders who can vote or move their money into companies that drive sustainable and long-term value. Empowering the next generation of investors, who are on the cusp of the largest wealth transfer in history, with the knowledge and capacity to invest and vote their shares is critical. Every investor can claim the power of their money to create a livable planet. |
| | It's so exciting to see the power of shareholder advocacy gaining the recognition it deserves. Thanks to you, more people than ever are beginning to demand that corporations become a part of the solution to our world’s most pressing problems. We are spurred on by your support.
For the future, |
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| Jenna L. Belisle Director of Individual Giving | | | As You Sow’s 30+ year track record promoting corporate responsibility spans a broad range of the most important environmental and social issues facing corporations, investors, and citizens today, including climate change, ocean plastics, pesticides, racial justice, workplace diversity, and executive compensation. | | | As You Sow
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