Well, COPD lung cancer are silent and often hidden killers that need to be called out and made top of mind among the myriad of health issues that millions of people suffer from world wide.
There needs to be a clarion call of sorts to bring more research, eduction, funding, and invaluable conversations around what can be done to improve our lung health individually and collectively. This is something I'm personally very passionate about and grateful for because I have seen firsthand what these lung diseases can do to individuals and their families.
Whether it's our webinars, lung screenings, lectures, conferences, or screening workshops with community partners, we are committed to bring awareness of these illnesses into our work to improve your life and the lives of every Southern Californian.
"Breathe is Life" is actually the theme for COPD awareness month! We here at BreatheSoCal couldn't agree more.
Happy Holidays to you and yours.
In Health,