Sen. Liias' junket alone will emit 2.8 metric tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.
Shift Washington

If you caught our Daily Briefings last week, you're already aware of Democrat State Senator Marko Liias and his extravagant plans to jet off with a bunch of fellow government employees to Finland, all on the taxpayers’ dime. Sen. Liias boldly claims this international holiday is essential for him to gather inspiration to reduce traffic fatalities in Washington state.

Yes, you read that right – taxpayer dollars are financing a state senator's foreign junket for the sake of "inspiration" for future traffic laws.

Sen. Liias is planning this taxpayer-funded overseas adventure, but he's also claiming to be dragging along a cohort of fellow Democrat elected officials and state bureaucrats – all for an endeavor that could easily be accomplished with a simple Zoom call. This comes from a senator who, along with his Leftist colleagues, pretends to be deeply concerned about climate change and carbon footprints.

Unfortunately, this is yet another classic case of "do as I say, not as I do" hypocrisy from the Democrats.

Shift WA has been tirelessly exposing the wastefulness of Sen. Liias' trip and the glaring hypocrisy behind it. Despite the negative attention, Liias has resorted to name-calling, labeling anyone critical of his taxpayer-funded globetrotting as an "extremist."

Well, we won't be intimidated. We're committed to calling out the hypocrisy and wastefulness, and we need your support to continue.

Sen. Liias' trip alone will emit 2.8 metric tons of CO2 into the atmosphere – and that’s per person. To put it in perspective, avoiding this trip is as climate friendly as being a vegetarian for 5.1 years or carpooling for 2.7 years, according to Flight Free USA.

We're on a mission to ensure state officials take some heat before they consider taking such wasteful taxpayer-funded international trips which could be easily replaced by a Zoom call. We're making waves and gaining public attention, evident from Sen. Liias' displeasure at the backlash.

To keep the momentum going, we need your help. Will you stand with us by contributing $100, $50, or even $25 today?

Your support is crucial in continuing to expose the Democrats in Olympia and their penchant for wasting taxpayer dollars on unnecessary international trips.

Thank you for your commitment to responsible spending and accountability,

The Shift WA Team