From Lahotar <>
Subject Lahotar - new post submitted
Date November 16, 2023 5:02 PM
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Lahotar has posted a new item:

Spirit world: “Urban Guerilla Warfare”That’s what’s happening in Gaza.The Israelis have gone in heavy with everything airstrikes, artillery,tanks,armoured cars n infantry.Lured in By a battle hardened Palestinian resistance who can take as many casualties as is needed.The Israelis are soft weak spoilt n psychologically fragile with too much of the good life n comfort.They need the war to be over quickly or else their weaknesses will begin to fracture their “Unity”A NETANYAHU very desperate to avoid facing corruption charges.A nation divided by months of protests n disillusionment won’t hold out long The US and EU are equally weak due to the Ukrainian war and can’t give support for long.The sympathy of the world for the Palestinian cause n laying bare the brutality of the Israeli government n army means they need a quick victory. But Guerilla Warfare is messy long drawn out n inflicts a heavy price. We believe the “Israeli project”is dead n the only way forward is a negotiated settlement in a two state or one state as per their agreement.The loss of political economic influence n respect by the global south is irreparable.Lets see what happens. ( [link removed] )

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