5,000 Signatures Needed: Hold Mitch McConnell Accountable - the PEOPLE deserve
a Senate vote on House’s sweeping anti-corruption bill to get money out
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5,000 Signatures Needed: Hold Mitch McConnell Accountable - the PEOPLE deserve
a Senate vote on the House’s sweeping anti-corruption bill to get big money out
of politics!
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Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of the House passing the For the
People Act.
Like so many other good pieces of legislation, Mitch McConnell is letting it
languish on his desk in the U.S. Senate.
This bill takes common sense measures to finally curb the influence of big,
outside special interest group money on our elections -- including support for
a constitutional amendment to overturn the disastrousCitizens United Supreme
Court decision.
We need to hold Mitch McConnell accountable and call for a vote to pass this
anti-corruption legislation. Will you add your name?
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Unless we make our voices heard, Mitch McConnell will continue to only serve
Trump’s agenda and at the expense of the American people.
So if you’re with us on the need to pass sweeping anti-corruption measures in
Washington, add your name to our petition right now >>
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Thanks for standing with us,
Team Susie
Susie Lee is a working mom, a champion for education, a non-profit leader and
the newly-elected Congresswoman from Nevada's 3rd district. Now she's running
for re-election to continue finding real solutions to the problems our
community faces every day.
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Paid for by Susie Lee for Congress
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Susie Lee, 5130 S Fort Apache Rd Ste 215-382 Las Vegas, NV 89148