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When you donate to EPI, you’re supporting the research behind the movement to build worker power and fight for economic justice.
Now, for a limited time, when you donate $50 to EPI you can receive this new EPI tote bag. ([link removed])
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Made by union workers, each tote bag is an investment in our future―including access to a good job with benefits, paid family and medical leave, and strong social programs including Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Together, we’re demanding that lawmakers put working families first―prioritizing full employment, smart public investments, and the enforcement of labor laws to protect worker safety and prevent corporate abuses of power.
Donate to EPI today ([link removed]) , and then show off your support by taking your new tote bag to the store, to the gym, to your next public rally, a picnic, a beach trip or a visit to the library!
Thank you for your support in our fight to bring the voices of all working people to the policy table.
In solidarity,
Your friends at EPI
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