
Yesterday was the anniversary of the House of Representatives voting to pass HR1, the bill to fix our democracy!

But since that momentous day, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has been completely blocking the bill from coming to a vote in the Senate.

That’s an outrage! Sign now to tell Senators: Stand up to McConnell, demand a vote on HR1, the For the People Act!

HR1, also known as the For the People Act, is the most sweeping reform bill in a generation. It would completely transform politics and restore democracy in America. 

The provisions in the bill include:

🇺🇸 Overturn Citizens United

🇺🇸 Implement small donor financing for federal elections

🇺🇸 End gerrymandering

🇺🇸 Restore the Voting Rights Act

🇺🇸 Enact high ethics standards for Congress, the executive branch, and the Supreme Court

Absolutely every Member of Congress should support these basic and fundamental reforms. But sadly, McConnell and his Republicans are completely refusing to take action. There is only one reason for that: They’re benefiting from a corrupt system. They’re doing the work of corporate donors. They’re suppressing votes to win elections they can’t win fairly.

That’s why we MUST call them out. Sign now to demand Senators do their job and stand up to McConnell.

John, this is exactly why we’re anti-endorsing the most corrupt Members of Congress and calling them out around the country on issues like opposition to the basic reforms in HR1. 

By signing the petition you're adding more public pressure to call them out so they can either do the right thing, or be held accountable if they don't.

Thank you for all you do,


The HAZMAT America Team


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