Did you see Jeanne’s email yesterday? Give to the Max Day is today, and we are only $14,404 from making our $15,000 goal!
Join us at this critical moment as we work to make our democracy work for everyone by making a donation to FairVote Minnesota. And, if you can make a $10, $100, or $1,000 donation before midnight, the FairVote Minnesota board will match your gift dollar-for-dollar.
And, now through midnight, every gift made on GiveMN.org will be entered into additional prize drawings for Golden Tickets from GiveMN. That means your gift in any amount could instantly turn into an extra $500, $1,000 or even $10,000 for FairVote Minnesota.
Ranked Choice Voting is a simple change to the ballot but one that has the power to make our elections and governance more civil, inclusive, representative, and responsive.