In just 5 hours, we’re facing the most important fundraising deadline since I announced that I’m running again against Lauren Boebert. After midnight tonight, everyone will see how much support there is for our people-powered campaign to defeat Boebert.


In just 5 hours, we’re facing the most important mid-month fundraising deadline since I announced that I’m running again against Lauren Boebert. After midnight tonight, everyone will see how much support there is for our people-powered campaign to defeat Boebert.

But with hours to go, we’re still $9,206 short of our goal, so I have to ask: Please, will you chip in $5 or more right now – before our mid-November deadline at midnight tonight – to help me defeat Lauren Boebert in 2024?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Lauren Boebert is everything that’s wrong with Congress. She’s an election denier that encouraged the attack on the Capitol. She wants to make all abortions illegal – even in cases of rape, incest, or the life of the mother. She’s part of the angertainment circus in Washington that’s tearing our country and our democracy apart.

It’s time that the people of Western and Southern Colorado had a representative in Washington working to get things done for them – not taking money from corporate PAC donors and pushing wild conspiracy theories.

My campaign is funded entirely by donors, like you, giving an average of just $22 online this month. A people-powered campaign is what will help us correct the Super PAC lies and finally defeat Lauren Boebert – but I’m counting on your support now if we’re going to be successful.

We only lost by 546 votes in 2022. It was the closest race in the country, even though no one gave us a chance. We are so close to hitting our mid-November $350,000 fundraising goal, but time is running out before the deadline.

I’m asking you personally: Will you make a donation right now to my campaign – whatever amount you can afford before midnight tonight – to help me hit our fundraising goal, defeat Lauren Boebert, and restore some sanity to Congress?

This is our most important fundraising goal of the campaign so far. Let’s start this race strong and finally send Lauren Boebert packing.

I couldn’t do this without you. Thank you so much for joining me on this journey again.

With gratitude -