Friend, At People For the American Way, we are committed to defending the values of Truth, Justice, and the American Way every single day. And for more than four decades, supporters like you have stood in solidarity with us for freedom, equality, and fighting for the right to vote. Today, as we face a growing wave of authoritarianism and anti-democratic forces, it has never been more critical to secure the future of our democracy and the progressive values that are under attack by right-wing extremists. One way to join this cause is through estate planning to protect the people and things you love, safeguard your assets, and secure a brighter future for our country. Despite the value of planning, the process is often inaccessible, overwhelming, and expensive — especially to historically disenfranchised communities. That's why we are excited to announce our new partnership with FreeWill so that our supporters can create their wills, and plan their estates at NO cost to you.
By including an optional gift to People For the American Way Foundation in your will, you can join us to inspire and mobilize a generation of new leaders, promote freedom of expression, and defend our democracy against authoritarian threats. It’s a powerful way to support our work for future generations and costs you absolutely nothing today. Create your will today to protect all you love. Thank you for standing with us in the fight for a more just and democratic America. Sincerely, Zach VanHouten