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Editor's Note:

Federal legislation being promoted for "the safety of us all on the highways" could lead to one of the biggest pro-surveillance federal mandates in recent memory. "Kill switches" in new cars are being considered to monitor "impaired driving" and automatically disable the vehicle if impairment is suspected. At first glance, this might appeal to anyone who is concerned about drunk driving. We need a second glance, however, as explained by Nathan Stone. Who will define impaired? Will there be instruments in the car to watch and record every minute we are behind the wheel? What are the data points to be used in assessing a driver's suitability for operating a vehicle? If ever there were a slippery slope toward unlimited intrusiveness and attempted control of our lives, this qualifies as exhibit A. Reprinted with permission. Pat Daugherty, Ed.D.
The Federal ‘Kill Switch’ Signals Our Surrender To Tech Overlords
November 15, 2023
The last public action performed by John Adams came on June 30, 1826, just a few days before the founder’s death. Asked by George Whitney for a Fourth of July toast, the former president offered, “Independence forever!” No more, no less. You can’t get more American than that. Yet independence is the very thing being choked out of us at an ever-quickening gait. And Congress just gave that horse another sharp kick in the ribs.
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