It's time for action.

In the wake of mass shootings like our nation suffered in El Paso and Dayton, there are calls for action by the public. But it often seems as if our elected officials are numb to those calls. Now, some of those officials themselves are calling for action.  There are calls to bring the U.S. Senate back into session, and the PA General Assembly as well. We don’t know if that will happen, but we do know for sure, they’ll all be back in the Capitol in September. And now, a key legislator, Senator Lisa Baker, Chair of the PA Senate Judiciary Committee, has promised that the Judiciary Committee “will be holding a series of public hearings intended as a prelude to action.”

We need those hearings, we need that action, and we need votes. The first item on the hearing agenda should be Extreme Risk Protection Orders, SB 90. Can you take a minute and ask Senator Baker to swiftly schedule those hearings and to make SB 90 a priority?

All you have to do is send an email to [email protected]

Below is some sample text. You can copy and paste it into an email or personalize it. 

Dear Senator Baker,

Thank you so much for agreeing to hold public hearings to address the gun violence that is plaguing our country and the Commonwealth. I hope hearings are scheduled early in the fall and that you will make the first item on the agenda Extreme Risk Protection Orders (SB 90).

Thank you!


Let us know if the office responds!

P..O. Box 60095
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102
[email protected]

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