The time is now to #StopZenithOil.

#StopZenithOIl: The Zenith Scandal and Why We Need to Stop the Deal


We’re putting the pressure on our leaders to #StopZenithOil.

Organizations from across the state, including labor unions, neighborhood associations, environmental advocacy organizations, and more are calling on Governor Kotek and the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to protect Oregonians and the environment from Zenith Energy and its dangerous oil-by-rail operations.

Please take a minute right now to add your voice.

Governor Kotek needs to hear from as many of her constituents as possible that our health, safety, and climate must be prioritized over the profits of a Texas-based fossil fuel company known for dishonesty and legal violations.

take action

In August, journalists at Streetroots and DeSmog exposed the backroom deal between City of Portland officials and Zenith Energy that led us to this point. Thanks to the generous donations of several supporters, we were able to bring the Zenith scandal to life in this short film. We hope that it provides further context on the importance of taking action now to hold our leaders accountable and protect our communities.

watch the film

In addition to contacting Governor Kotek and the DEQ, visit our campaign page for a comprehensive list of actions you can take right now to help advance this campaign, including:

Thank you to all of our supporters and partners who continue to show up in this fight to #StopZenithOil.

In solidarity,
The Breach Team
