We need your help to catch up to our goals.

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John, it’s Team Gallego.

Hope you’re doing well. Maybe you’re reading this at lunch, or you’re taking a little break. Maybe you’re hanging out at home.

Wherever we find you today, we felt like we owed you a quick explanation about what a mid-month deadline is, and why it’s so important to a campaign like ours.

At the end of every quarter we hit an official FEC deadline. When it hits, we need to report what we raise to the FEC, and that report goes public. The next FEC deadline is on December 31st — New Year’s Eve.

That means we’re just about halfway to our next FEC deadline.

Internally, we set benchmarks every month towards that quarterly deadline. And right around mid-month, we assess our progress to those goals. These goals aren’t arbitrary. They are what we need to raise to win this race.

If we’re on track, we’re in good shape. If we’re ahead, we can raise our goals and make new investments. But if we’re behind, we need to push a little harder to catch up. And if we don’t catch up, we need to make budget cuts that could harm our chances at victory.

This month, we’re behind. November is always tough, but we’re having an especially hard time making progress to our goals this month. And that’s why we’re emailing you again today.

We need your help. We’re hoping that being transparent and reading you in on what these deadlines really are will encourage you to help us hit them. And with so much happening lately, it would mean a lot if you could chip in.

So we’re asking, very humbly:

Please, make your first contribution to Ruben Gallego’s Senate campaign in Arizona before our mid-month deadline at midnight tonight.


Thanks a lot for your help.

Team Gallego


Paid For By Gallego for Arizona

Use of military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform do not imply endorsement by the Department of the Navy or the Department of Defense.

This email was sent to [email protected]. Emails like this are a critical tool for our campaign's fundraising and organizing efforts. If you'd like to receive only the most important emails going forward, tell us at this link. Or, if you need to, you can unsubscribe here. If you would like to support Ruben's campaign for Senate, please consider making a donation today.