It’s November 15th, and tonight marks the official mid-point of our quarter. So I am reaching out personally with an update on our fundraising progress.
When my team emailed you yesterday about our mid-quarter deadline, we weren't quite sure how much support we would get — or whether we'd reach our goals ahead of tonight's critical fundraising drive.
But we have a solid chance.
It started with Faithe from Milwaukee with a $20 donation. Then Judy from New York joined with their $50. And later, David from San Geronimo chipped in $10.
Now they're all hoping that you will join them, and I am too. Because there's only one way we'll continue powering our movement for changemaking candidates…if we work together.
I know that $3 doesn't seem like the kind of money that can help us hold the Senate majority and Presidency and win back the House, but this team has won big victories before — in the Wisconsin Supreme Court Race and just last week in Virginia’s legislative races — and I have no doubt we can do it again.
Whether it be unseating Ted Cruz in Texas, replacing Krysten Sinema in Arizona, or re-electing Tammy Baldwin in Wisconsin and President Biden in the White House, we have the power to create meaningful change if we work together. Because it all adds up when everyone is chipping in.
So I am asking you directly:
If you've saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
It's crucial that we hit our mid-quarter goal. We are less than a year out from election day, and the money we raise by midnight tonight will inform how many additional races and candidates our team can support throughout the rest of the election cycle.
Thanks for adding contribution before midnight.
Mandela Barnes
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Paid for by The Long Run PAC, P.O. Box 597
Milwaukee, WI 53201, not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.