Here's what people aren't talking about enough:

Democrats can win in red states.

Just look at last week's results, historic wins in Ohio and Kentucky, overcoming the Youngkin machine in Virginia, and a Democrat in Mississippi got within six points of winning the Governor's mansion.

These wins weren't by accident.

MAGA Republicans have taken over "red" states and folks in rural America are tired of the extremism, so voters are turning toward Democrats — and our commonsense values — and away from extremists.

But we have a lot of work to do if we want to build a lasting coalition with rural voters. The One Country Fund is committed to building Democratic support in rural America. Can we count on you to join our grassroots movement and chip in $5 today?

chip in!

Right now, we are less than a year away from 2024. That means we have less than a year to fight for the House Majority, less than a year to defend the Senate Majority, and less than a year until a presidential election that may pit Joe Biden against Donald Trump for a second time. The election is just heating up, and we need to build our grassroots movement now if we want to keep MAGA out of the White House.

Rural voters are pivotal to winning in 2024, just like they were pivotal to the big wins we saw last week. So, our goal between now and November 5, 2024, is to connect Democrats with rural voters and build a coalition that can win. But we can't do that alone. Will you join our movement today and donate to the One Country Fund so we can help Democrats win up and down the ballot in 2024?


Tessa Gould
Executive Director, One Country Fund

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