Dear Friends,
Next month, FAMM is celebrating the 5th anniversary of the First Step Act, which opened many doors for incarcerated individuals seeking to prove they have taken the necessary steps toward their second chance at freedom. My life changed when I got my second chance – all because of FAMM's important work to secure its passage 5 years ago.
Will you donate today to ensure FAMM can continue promoting reform and reuniting families?
As I shared last week, we know the First Step Act is successful. Over 30,000 individuals have been released and returned home, and their communities are stronger and safer. Despite this, many lawmakers and politicians claim that the First Step Act is dangerous and needs to be rolled back. We must continue fighting to keep the First Step Act in place.
Donate today and help FAMM continue this important work.
In the five years since the First Step Act and my release, I have worked hard to be an example – and, most importantly, provide hope for those still incarcerated and their families. I know there are many more like me who are taking the necessary steps to learn new skills, better themselves, and become better citizens - they also deserve a second chance.
Donate today so FAMM can continue fighting for a fairer and more effective justice system.
Thank you,