Biggs for

Leftist billionaire Mike Bloomberg tried to buy the Presidency and now he's trying to buy my seat by waging an all out Propaganda War against Conservatives!

After folding up his epically disastrous Presidential campaign, Bloomberg announced he will be spending millions of dollars in Arizona to defeat President Trump, Senator Martha McScally, and every Republican member of Congress – INCLUDING ME.

Advertising costs are going to skyrocket in Arizona, making it harder for us to get President Trump's Keep America Great message to Arizona voters! If we lose my seat, Republicans could lose the entire state!

Will you take a stand against Bloomberg and help me protect my seat from the millions of dollars that's going to be spent against us in Arizona by making a quick contribution?

I'm not taking anything for granted in this race. We need to show Bloomberg and every other ultra-liberal billionaire we're fed up with New York leftist-billionaires trying to buy our votes.

Thank you,

Congressman Andy Biggs
Republican Member of Congress

Paid for by Biggs for Congress

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