In the face of multiple global humanitarian challenges, people face life and death situations and make the courageous choice to leave their homes to seek safety and new lives for themselves and their loved ones. People who arrive at our border and those who have lived in our communities for decades alike confront a complicated immigration system that is stacked against them. The right to asylum is under attack, families continue to be separated by detention and deportation, and the need for legal services is greater than ever. 

As we enter our 40th year, the National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC), together with our dedicated partners and supporters, remains resolute in our work to defend the rights of individuals and families and help them achieve safety and security. Through our impact litigation, advocacy, and strategic communications, we are at the vanguard of the fight for justice.  

In our new impact report, we share highlights of our work and victories together over the past year that demonstrate how we rose to each challenge.  

We provided legal services and information to more than 12,000 people, responded to the needs of a record number of new arrivals in Chicago, achieved a 97 percent success rate in securing legal relief, and won court decisions and changes in policies that advance justice and human rights.  

Welcoming New Arrivals

NIJC has been at the forefront of welcoming recently arrived migrants to Chicago and responding to an unprecedented need for immigration legal services. We’re committed to welcoming migrants to the United States and ensuring that they have access to the rights to which they are entitled under U.S. and international law.

In fall 2022, NIJC provided Know Your Rights presentations to more than 2,600 migrants who arrived in Chicago by bus from Texas and worked with local partners to coordinate services.  

As people continue to arrive, we continue to provide critical legal counsel and representation, including through clinics to assist people applying for asylum and through NIJC’s Chicago Immigration Court Helpdesk to help immigrants understand their rights and the court system.  

Felipe's Story

NIJC met Felipe through our legal services for unaccompanied immigrant children after U.S. immigration officials separated him from his parents when they arrived at the border seeking safety. We launched a campaign to demand that the government reunite Felipe with his parents and filed civil rights complaints asking for an investigation into his separation from his parents. Our advocacy garnered national attention, and support for Felipe and his family grew. NIJC’s legal teams represented Felipe and his parents in immigration court.  

After more than eight months of separation, the family was finally reunited earlier this year. NIJC is now working with pro bono partners to help the family secure legal relief, and we continue to advocate for and represent other families like Felipe’s. 

Defending Access to Asylum

The right to seek asylum in the United States remains under attack. Following the termination of Title 42, a policy which for three years had expelled asylum seekers at the border, the government instituted a new asylum ban, making it nearly impossible for many people to apply for asylum.  

NIJC, along with other immigrant rights groups, successfully challenged the asylum ban in federal court and a judge ruled it illegal in July 2023. The government has appealed, meaning that the rule will stay in effect until the appeal is heard, leaving asylum seekers in peril. In this context, NIJC’s legal services and advocacy are more important than ever to help immigrants understand their rights and navigate an extremely complex system. 


We know that the path to an immigration system that upholds justice and human rights is long and winding, and we are unwavering in the face of challenges old and new. 

You can see our full impact report with more victories and stories here

If you’d like to lend an extra hand this season, we invite you to participate in NIJC’s Holiday Gift Giving Campaign

Holiday Gift Giving Campaign

This holiday season, you can make a big difference by donating gifts for immigrant and refugee families through NIJC’s Amazon Wish List. Items were carefully selected by the families we serve, ensuring that your generosity makes their holidays special. Please make your donation by December 15, 2023, to ensure timely delivery. Purchased gifts will be delivered to NIJC's office, and our staff will make sure families receive gifts in time for the holidays. Join NIJC’s Holiday Gift Giving Campaign now!

Thank you for believing in justice and standing with NIJC and our immigrant neighbors. Together, we can continue to make a difference and advocate for new and long-time community members. 

- Mayon Yen, National Immigrant Justice Center


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