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Wednesday, November 15th, 2023


War: Organized Murder and Nothing Else

Donald Jeffries

Lunatics Pretend We’re Banning Books

Tom Woods

Thanksgiving Gathering

Dr Naomi Wolf

Commissions Represent Congresspeople, Not the People

James Anthony

Investor Optimism Is at Odds With Reality

Peter Schiff

The Pentagon Proclaims Failure in its War on Terror in Africa

Nick Turse

The Shift in Focus from Ukraine to the Middle East Raises the Chances of World War

Paul Craig Roberts

The Middle Class Is Working Harder Than Ever, But It Is Being Absolutely Eviscerated by ‘Bidenomics’

Michael Snyder

Orbán Says US Sabotaged Peace for Ukraine

Angeline Tan

Is the Financial Theft of the Ukraine War Over?

Dr. Joseph Mercola

A Planned US-Israeli Attack on Iran Is Contemplated

Prof Michel Chossudovsky

The Vaccine Study That Should Have Brought Down The Empire

Jon Rappoport

Political Theatre

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