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Hi friend,

It’s been a big week in Westminster. There have been some surprising and not so unexpected changes in government as Ministers have been reshuffled in and out of new roles.  

But one thing is still the same, there are still 6 million of us in the UK behind on our energy bills. This debt has built up over the cost of living crisis and it’s going nowhere. In fact, it’s only going to get worse unless urgent action is taken to bring down the debt and stop more of it building up this winter.  

The man with the power to make those decisions -  Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt MP, has kept his job and will be announcing the government's spending plans next week at the autumn statement. We’ve got to make sure that tackling energy debt stays at the top of his to do list.  

To help make sure he gets the message, people at the frontline of the crisis have come together to make this short video calling on Jeremy Hunt to step up.

Can you help make their voices even louder by sending the video to the Chancellor?

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This is our chance to really make sure we win the changes millions of people across the UK need, but with everything happening it can be easy to ignore the energy debt building up in households across the country. Don’t let that happen.

Help strengthen the voices of Dean, Lorna, Kai and Kay by sending their message to the Chancellor.  

So far almost 17,000 of us have signed our petition calling for support with the energy debt that has built up. If you have added your name, thank you!  

The Chancellors Autumn statement is happening next week on the 22 November.  

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We’ve got to make our call as loud as possible to make sure we get the message across and more people don’t have to choose between heating, eating or unpayable debts this winter.  

As ever, thank you for taking action!

In solidarity,
Eva, Richard, Joe and all at Debt Justice

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