Even a $1 donation helps send a strong message.

You’ve heard of Giving Tuesday? This is something like that, only our goal isn’t a dollar amount, but rather getting as many individual donors involved as possible to defy the doom and gloom narratives about next year’s election and to show this movement gives a sh*t about winning in 2024! On Giving Tuesday itself, usually a big fundraising day for our organization, we’ll be raising funds for humanitarian relief instead.
We very, very rarely send two emails in a single day. But today isn’t just any day -- it’s Giving a Sh*t Tuesday!
If you missed our email earlier, here’s the short version: There’s been a lot of punditry and handwringing lately about some bad recent polls showing Trump in the lead and not enough enthusiasm on our side to turn things around.
But we know the outcome of the 2024 election won’t be determined by polls or prognostications -- it’ll be determined by what we do between now and November 5 of next year to defeat Trump, restore our trifecta, and save our democracy. And this is a movement of doers.
After hitting our initial goal today(!!!) we're approaching our stretch goal of 1,200 donations to make a RESOUNDING statement that this movement is ⚡energized⚡ and ready to win in 2024. Each donation will fund the vital grassroots organizing work that'll help us make it happen.
Can you chip in any amount to help blow our goal out of the water? Alternatively, if donating isn’t a possibility right now, you can sign up to volunteer here.
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Real talk -- this Giving a Sh*t Tuesday thing is meant to be fun, an antidote to some of the doom and gloom punditry out there right now. We aren’t pretending that if you give tomorrow or next week we won’t be able to put that donation to good use. There’s no artificial midnight deadline tonight.
But, the need is real. Progressive organizations have had a historically difficult fundraising year as we’re trying to build up the grassroots infrastructure that’ll make the difference in 2024. And we mean make the difference.
A lot of the voters who are telling pollsters they are feeling disengaged and enthusiastic are the folks that it’s hardest for campaigns to reach with ads and speeches. It’s going to take one on one conversations about what’s at stake in 2024 to persuade these voters to our side and to turn them out to vote.
That’s what Indivisible was built for. The Neighbor2Neighbor tool we developed in 2022 and fine-tuned this year in Ohio and PA increased turnout by 1.2 points in midterm races -- making it the most effective tool we’ve ever tested. But that kind of data-driven, person to person mobilization isn’t cheap -- it requires staff time, training, voter data, message testing and a lot of awesome tech.
Right now we’re making the decisions about what we can afford to deploy, what we can scale up, and what we have to leave on the table. But given the stakes next year -- the very real threat of a Trump victory -- we really don’t want to leave anything on the table that could have made the difference.
If you’ve read this far, it’s clear you give a sh*t about winning in 2024 and saving our democracy. Say it loud and proud by making a donation today or signing up to volunteer.
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In solidarity, Indivisible Team