Registration is now open for the virtual launch of the
Youth Abortion Access Table.
join URGE: Unite for Reproductive & Gender Equity; If/When/How:
Lawyering for Reproductive Justice; and Advocates for Youth on
Wednesday, March 11th from 3pm-4pm EST for a colleague specific webinar on the
new Youth Abortion Access Table.
people deserve access to quality, confidential abortion care --
without burdens or barriers. Today, forced parental involvement
restrictions either cut young people off from care entirely or force
them to navigate out-of-state care or an onerous and oftentimes
traumatic judicial bypass process. In the last 5 years, proactive
strategies to end the Hyde amendment and dismantle some abortion
restrictions have advanced considerably. Now is the time for young
people’s access to abortion care to be centered.
Let’s do
this better, together. We invite you to join a new collaboration to
coordinate, co-conspire, and level-up our efforts to end forced
parental involvement and clear the path for young people’s access to
abortion care. Forced parental involvement restrictions target young
people and deny them timely, confidential care. The judicial bypass
process does not mitigate the burden created by forced parental
involvement and is itself a burden and barrier to abortion access.
Let’s work together to support young people navigating these barriers,
and ultimately remove them entirely.
If you
want to make sure your voice is heard, please register
Mitchum, J.D., LL.M.

of Policy
