Friend --

Check out all the events going on this week & be sure to check our CALENDAR for full event listings and committee meetings!

After the hard work of organizing, knocking on doors, talking to our neighbors, phone and text banking--Bernie Sanders overwhelmingly won the California Primary and Nithya Raman will make it to the general election in a runoff for City Council District 4! We all helped make this happen. 

When Bernie says “not me, us,” he’s talking about an urgent political project: building a mass movement of working people that can change society. We are supporting Bernie so we can beat back Trumpism and the Wall Street Democrats, while also building the grassroots pressure and infrastructure we will need to keep fighting long after election day, so we can transform our economy and politics into a true democracy!!

With Super Tuesday behind us, it's time to take a few moments and reflect on our primary efforts and strategize. How do we continue to fight for the platform and demands of the Bernie campaign here in Los Angeles? How do we build a movement that will ensure that Bernie's platform is enacted after the November election, win or lose?

Our Super Tuesday Primary Party @ Verdugo Bar last week! 


3rd Ave & Rose Ave in Venice

Join Street Watch LA and members of the Services Not Sweeps Coalition to fight back against the Special Enforcement Zone surrounding the newly opened Bridge Home shelter in Venice. The unhoused community is requesting a 30-90 day moratorium on enforcement to ensure that protocol can be in place to protect the urgent public health needs of the most vulnerable people, including people with disabilities, health conditions, special-needs, and the elderly. There will also be a Know-Your-Rights training –– learn about your right to exist in public space!


Thursday, March 12, 2020 at 7pm to 9pm

*Note: this Night School is being held at UTLA (Central LA) as well as LAVC (The Valley) at the same time

New and long-time comrades are invited to join a Night School series that engages with Bernie Sanders’s insurgent candidacy within the broader history of socialist strategies and perspectives on electoral politics. Each session features a brief, informal presentation followed by facilitated discussion designed to engage all levels and connect current events to foundational socialist concepts and debates.

SOS: We need meeting space!

We are still in need of meeting space! Does your uncle own an empty store front? Does your union have unused evening office space? Free.99, low-cost, and centrally-located is ideal. Short-term ok, but long-term prefered for our weekly committee meetings. If you have leads on something HIT US UP at [email protected] 

SAVE THE DATE: Chapter-Wide Local Meeting

Saturday, March 28th - Time & Location TBD

Submitting Resolutions & Proposals for Local Meetings

As per Article IV, Section 2 in the chapter bylaws amended by DSA-LA at the last Annual Convention in October 2019, the Local will hold a single Local-wide meeting at least three times annually and any resolution or proposal properly qualified by 25 member signatures brought to the Steering Committee ten (10) days prior to a Local Meeting shall be published and agendized for a vote. Local Meetings will be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order, Simplified and Applied, amended to allow for remote­ or proxy voting and progressive stack.
To submit a resolution or proposal and proof of member signatures, members may submit relevant documents to the Steering Committee by March 18, 2020

Please contact [email protected] with any questions. 


See you this week!

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Democratic Socialists of America - Los Angeles · 3573 W 3rd St, 210, Los Angeles, CA 90004, United States
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