From Ruben Gallego <[email protected]>
Subject Respectfully asking you...
Date November 14, 2023 11:21 PM
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I’m at a loss, friend.

Kari Lake announced her campaign on Tuesday, October 10th.

We saw a huge swing of support — endorsements, media coverage, and most importantly to our ultimate chances at winning this race, donations.

It was an incredible moment, honestly.

But this month, things started to taper off a bit. Sorry to be so blunt here, but to beat Kari Lake and Kyrsten Sinema, we can’t have bad days moving forward.

And with our mid-month deadline tomorrow at midnight, we really need to see a surge of support to stay on track to our goals. These deadlines help us mark our progress, and our goals aren’t arbitrary. They are critical benchmarks that help us make important funding decisions.

These goals are what we need to raise to win — to beat Kari Lake.

Now, I never thought I’d have to ask so many people I’ve never met to support me and help me defend our Senate majority. But that is what I have to do. I have to ask you for your help.

So please. I am respectfully asking:

Make a donation to this campaign today. To help us get back on track and win this race.

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Emails like this are how we fund this campaign.

I know it might seem like we send a lot of them, but they are how we raise the money we need to take back this seat from Kyrsten Sinema. To defend it from the likes of Kari Lake.

I hope I can count on you.

Semper Fi,


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