Dear John,

Although human trafficking is illegal in every country, traffickers operate with impunity in places where these laws are not enforced. The absence of enforcement makes the fear equation simple: traffickers are not afraid, their victims are.

We are building a future where the fear equation is turned upside down: where traffickers are afraid, and their victims are empowered; where the darkness of modern slavery is receding, and the light of freedom is advancing. We are empowering justice and elevating hope.

Donate to Empower Justice

We believe that true justice starts with equipping justice systems with the necessary tools, training, and tactical case support to stop traffickers in their tracks. Our strategy results in an exponential increase in traffickers prosecuted, victims freed through law enforcement operations, and suspected traffickers arrested and put out of business. 

Your support makes a tangible difference in the lives of survivors and in the prevention of future trafficking. Every single dollar counts, and directly supports strengthening justice systems and convicting traffickers.

Donate to Elevate Hope

Partner with us this end of year to Empower Justice and Elevate Hope.


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Human Trafficking Institute
2701 Prosperity Avenue, Suite 405
Fairfax, VA 22031

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