![]() Patriot, While Republicans in the House twiddle their thumbs, and the bill to ban the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) still has not been scheduled for a vote on the House floor, the globalists are on the move, pushing a bill to advance their own CBDC scheme. Called the “ECASH” Act, H.R. 5410 was introduced by Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-MA) to develop a “digital dollar.” Rep. Lynch also recently announced the formation of the Digital Dollar Caucus. Although the ECASH Act stops just short of developing a CBDC, the globalist Atlantic Council simply described the bill as “legislation to develop a U.S. CBDC.” And the Atlantic Council would know what this is all about. . . They’re holding a massive conference in Washington just after Thanksgiving, co-hosted by the “Digital Dollar Project,” to galvanize a full-scale lobbying effort to implement the “digital dollar” – bringing us closer than ever to a full CBDC. The event will be a who’s-who of giant banks, from Citi to Visa, and keynote speakers are from the Bank of International Settlements (the central bank’s central bank) and the International Monetary Fund. Think about where Congress will be when they return after Thanksgiving: In all likelihood, they will have just passed a “continuing resolution” to continue Nancy Pelosi’s budget with no cuts and no reforms . . . or the government will be shut down until they do so. And the longer the government’s fiscal problems fester, the more likely they will turn to a CBDC as a solution. We see what is happening in Argentina, where they’re pushing a CBDC to address economic issues and inflation. But as we’ve warned, a CBDC doesn’t even solve these problems . . . it’s just a pretext for tyranny. But the globalists will be exploiting all of the chaos in Washington to call for a CBDC as a solution . . . and the “Digital Dollar” is a stepping-stone for the CBDC. That’s why it’s crucial you tell your lawmakers to OPPOSE the ECASH Act right now! The globalists pushing for a Central Bank Digital Currency are on the march, and the ECASH Act gets them 90% of the way toward their goal. Unless the Fed is expressly stopped by Congress, they could create a CBDC that would: *** Create a digital record of every financial transaction you make, reported to the central bank.
They would know what you bought and where you bought it. As Fed Chairman Jerome Powell admitted, the CBDC would be “identity verified” and
“not anonymous.” *** Give the government the ability to control what you can and cannot buy. The Bank of England’s Jon Cunliffe pointed out digital money could also be programmable and used the clumsy example of “giving your children pocket money but programming the money so that it couldn’t be used for sweets.” *** Make confiscating your money as easy as a keystroke. We saw the government of Canada carry this out with brutal efficiency recently when they “de-banked” people who peacefully protested against the government’s draconian lockdowns during Covid. Patriot, thanks to your support, we got a bill to outright BAN the CBDC out of committee in the House . . . and we will continue to demand Congress bring this bill to the floor for a recorded roll call vote. But we need to send a message right now that ANY “Digital Dollar” is a no-go . . . no matter what the globalists call it! We anticipate there will be a major push coming right after the Thanksgiving holiday, and lawmakers will be under even more intense pressure to “do something” about the economy and the out-of-control spending. You and I need to make sure they don’t try to sneak in a CBDC while Americans are focused on the holidays amidst Congressional budget wheeling and dealing. Tell Congress right now: OPPOSE H.R. 5410 and any “Digital Dollar”/ CBDC Scheme! CBDC’s are every tyrant’s dream. Imagine the government being able to spy on every citizen’s most detailed financial records at any time: knowing what you buy and where you buy it . . . allowing them to track your every move. The good news is with the help of activists like you, liberty-minded Americans have stopped past legislation to fund and promote CBDC schemes. Now you and I must once again fend off this latest assault. The only way to DEFEAT a new “Digital Dollar” is to contact Americans from coast-to-coast and explain EXACTLY what's at stake. They're not going to get the real story from the mass media, who are all too eager to assure people this isn’t what it looks like. It’s up to Campaign for Liberty to get our message out to as many folks as possible before this legislation is rushed forward. . . And then, when the next financial crisis hits, the banksters will have their “solution” – the CBDC now fully developed and ready for implementation. Patriot, with all the battles we're currently facing – from stopping a National ID scheme to ending the illegal surveillance and indefinite detention of law-abiding Americans – Campaign for Liberty simply doesn't have the resources to do everything it takes to win this fight. So please, sign your OPPOSE the ECASH Act petition IMMEDIATELY! ![]() And because this fight is so critical, I'm counting on you to make a generous contribution of $100, $75, $50, $25 – or whatever you can afford today – to help Campaign for Liberty DEFEAT the statists' Digital Dollar scheme. Campaign for Liberty is the only organization mobilizing patriots to deliver the final nail in the CBDC’s coffin. Your gift of any amount – whether it’s $10 or $1,000 or something in-between – will help us fight this battle. For Liberty, ![]() John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. We can prevent the Federal Reserve from imposing a Central Bank Digital Currency on the American people, if only we speak out. Take a moment to tell your congressman you DEMAND they oppose the ECASH Act and any other “Digital Dollar” or CBDC scheme. And if you support Campaign for Liberty’s ongoing efforts to expose and stop this madness, please support us with a contribution. It’s the only thing that keeps us going. Click here to support Campaign for Liberty. Whether you can make a contribution of $100, $75, $50, $25, or whatever you can afford, any contribution helps us reach and mobilize more patriots. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
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Paul. If you would like to make a donation by mail, please send your check to Campaign for Liberty, PO Box 104, Lake Jackson TX 77566 or you can call 703-865-7162. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of
individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy,
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