Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life; you have the words of everlasting life. Jn 6:63c, 68c
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Highlights from CCUSA
Daily Lent reflections from CCUSA
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday February 26. Once again, CCUSA will offer daily reflections on each day's Mass readings, authored by Catholic Charities employees and other social concerns ministers. The reflections will arrive by email first thing each morning. Sign up here to receive them.
2019 CCUSA Annual Survey
The 2019 Annual Survey is live! Be sure to review the 2019 Annual Survey Preparation Webinar on the Annual Survey Resources section of the Member’s Portal and complete your agency’s submission before the survey closes on May 1, 2020. Please note that all staff who will contribute to your agency’s submission must have access to a personalized link. If you need to request links for any staff at your agency, contact Ashley Rininger. In addition, please don’t hesitate to contact Ashley via email if you have any questions or need any technical assistance.
Applications for CCUSA Summer Internship Program
CCUSA is now accepting applications for the 2020 Summer Internship Program! For 8 weeks, students will work with the Research and Evaluation team to advance the work of CCUSA’s strategic and operational priorities; namely, this year’s projects focus on integrated health, food policy and nutrition education, social enterprise, veteran’s services, and communications. See more information here. Applications close March 13, 2020, with decisions made by April 6.
Save the Date! Join us in Cleveland for the 2020 Annual Gathering for “Innovation Now”
When: October 27-30, 2020. Where: Hilton Cleveland. Plan ahead, mark your calendars and stay tuned for more details! Still need convincing? See what your colleagues said about the 2019 Annual Gathering: “Workshops/topics and presentations were great – wonderful diversity.” “Learning from sister agencies – getting ideas that we could bring back to our agency.” “Connections I made, people I met, bonding with colleagues.” Questions? Send an email here.
Would you like to share your program knowledge with others in the Catholic Charities ministry?
The Call for Proposals for the 2020 Annual Gathering is now open! Think about your agency’s program successes, best practices and lessons learned and consider submitting a proposal for review. Share your expertise with colleagues across the network and gain the opportunity to learn from others. Please go to to view the Guidelines and Proposal Form. Completed Workshop Proposal Forms must be submitted by the deadline of Tuesday, March 17, 2020.
Register now for CCUSA's O'Grady Leadership Institutes
Registration is now open for CCUSA’s 2020 O’Grady Leadership Institutes, scheduled for May 11-15 at the beautiful Bethany Center near Tampa. The Advanced Leadership Institute (2.0) is for diocesan directors and other senior Catholic Charities leaders; the Leadership Institute (1.0) is for emerging leaders, administrators, and program directors. Full program descriptions, event information, and the registration link may be accessed at this link. Early interest has been strong, and interested persons are encouraged to register soon to secure a spot. Please contact Scott Hurd, Vice President for Leadership Development, for any questions not addressed on the event website.
Events and Webinars
Walking with moms in need, a year of service webinar
In this webinar, you will learn about the U.S. bishops' initiative called a Year of Service: Walking with Moms in Need (March 25, 2020 - March 25, 2021). The initiative aims to get Catholics in the pews to work with local organizations that are helping pregnant and parenting women and to reach out to mothers in need with support and authentic friendship. Join us to see how you can help parishes in your community connect with local resources to better support mothers in need. After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Date: March 17, 2020. Time: 2 PM EDT. View systems requirements.
Expanding your vision in 2020 with AmeriCorps NCCC
Like a lot of organizations we all find ourselves trying to do more with less. This year why not consider AmeriCorps NCCC to help accomplish your goals? Join this specialized webinar for Catholic Charities agencies and learn the following about this unique program:
- How NCCC can help support your volunteer goals with NO Match or Cost Share Required! - Members have already completed federal background checks AND come with transportation provided! - We like variety! Projects can cover multiple issue areas and focuses, lasting anywhere from 3-8 weeks!
Register to learn about this exciting opportunity here! Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 2:00 PM eastern.
Effective Staff Supervision Effective staff management is a powerful tool that should be added to every supervisor's toolbelt – and the Effective Staff Supervision course will do just that. This 8-week course begins by introducing you to the art and science behind effective supervision. The course will dive into more tactical issues such as effective hiring, monitoring and feedback strategies. It will also push you to flex your leadership capacity, understanding your unique style and how to use your strengths to build a cohesive, high-performing team. By the end of the eight weeks, you will have the strategies and knowledge needed to be a highly effective manager. Length of Course: Eight weeks. Type of Course: Self-paced (during eight-week course run); Instructor-led. Dates: April 19 - June 14, 2020. Price: $600 (Alliance partners and CNPs receive a 20% discount. Use code: NONPROFITPARTNER). Register and learn more here.
Learn the 4 C’s of the National VOAD Movement!
Since 1970 the National VOAD has served as a conduit for Voluntary Organizations Actively providing Disaster Programming. Shortly after forming, Catholic Charities USA became a national member, and in the last 50 years, the VOAD movement has ballooned to include more than 100 member organizations and partners that work on the national, state and local level to mitigate and alleviate the impact of disasters and foster effective service delivery to those in need. This year marks their 50th National VOAD Conference that will be held on May 18-21 in Phoenix, Ariz. We encourage you to attend. Please Note: A conference brochure will be available in the next few weeks but you can review the full schedule and register during the Early Bird period to pay only $450 for the full week. Also, you can hear from others about the benefit of attending the National VOAD Conference. The Catholic Charities will gather as a network to hold our Disaster Community of Practice springtime meeting. Participation in this COP meeting is not mutually exclusive to attending the VOAD conference although they will happen during the same week. To learn more about this meeting email CCUSA's disaster operations team.
Grant Opportunities and Resources
The 2020 Earth Day educational program might be exactly what you need!
Pre-Register for Earth Day 2020 Program. The free one-hour educational program, “Earth Day at 50/Laudato Si’ at 5: An Urgent Appeal for Action,” is designed for parishes, schools, and religious communities facing the growing calls for urgent action on climate change. The program is perfect for commemorating the 50th anniversary of Earth Day (April 22nd or another date of your choosing) and/or the fifth anniversary of Laudato Si’ which spans from the week of May 16th-24th (i.e., the global Laudato Si’ week) through June 18th (the day Laudato Si’ was released to the world). The program could also be used by anyone looking for ways to participate in the new U.S. Catholic Climate Project. This year’s hour-long program includes prayers, readings, a short video, discussion questions, and suggested actions. Pre-register now and you will automatically receive the program in your inbox in mid-February. Questions? Contact Paz Artaza-Regan.
Foundation for Financial Planning grant application
The Foundation for Financial Planning is accepting grant applications from nonprofit organizations whose programs link pro bono financial planners to people in need. Programs should include one-on-one engagements between Certified Financial Planner™ (CFP®) professionals and pro bono clients, and help people who are underserved by the market and could not ordinarily access quality, ethical financial advice. Grants are generally in the range of $5,000 to $40,000, and will be accepted until April 30, 2020. For more information about eligibility and how to apply, click here.
Catalyst Kitchens (by FareStart) in collaboration with CCUSA to offer "Train the Trainer Workshop"
The Catalyst Kitchens Train the Trainer workshop brings together members working directly with students in the kitchen, classroom, and as case managers to discuss how to coach students to reach their fullest potential. Topics include: Strategies to establish a culture of learning; classroom and kitchen instruction skills for diverse learners; and writing techniques for productive student evaluations. Take advantage of your CCUSA partnership discount and receive $125 off the workshop fee. Use discount code CKPARTNER at checkout to redeem. Upcoming workshops: Washington, DC, hosted by DC Central Kitchen, Feb. 27-28; Seattle, Wash., hosted by FareStart, July 30-31; Phoenix, Ariz., hosted by UMOM New Day Centers, Oct. 15-16. Click here to learn more.
Catalyst Kitchens (by FareStart) in collaboration with CCUSA to offer "Foodservice Job Training Programs 101"
The "Foodservice Job Training Programs 101" course goes behind the scenes with FareStart's 28 year program. If your nonprofit program prepares meals for the community on a regular basis, serves vulnerable populations seeking employment and economic stability, is looking to increase their community impact, then Foodservice job training could be your program’s next step! The Foodservice Job Training 101 Workshop is an exclusive look at what makes this program model successful. Walk away with the framework you need to champion this program model or grow your program’s social impact. Date: March 11-12 at FareStart's headquarters in Seattle, Wash. Learn more about the workshop here.
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention FY 20 Second Chance Act addressing the needs of incarcerated parents and their minor children
This program will provide funding to support states and units of local government to develop programs within detention or correctional facilities to respond to the needs of incarcerated parents who have children younger than age 18. This program supports activities that foster positive family engagement between incarcerated parents and their children within detention and correctional facilities, and implement programs and services that support the children of incarcerated parents to reduce the likelihood of antisocial behaviors and future involvement in the juvenile justice system. All applications due March 10, 2020.
Correctional Adult Reentry Education, Employment, and Recidivism Reduction Strategies (CAREERRS) Program FY 2020 competitive grant solicitation
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) is seeking applications for funding under the Second Chance Act to develop a strategic plan for integrating correctional and employment programming and systems in order to help facilitate the successful reintegration of offenders returning to communities after a prison or jail sentence. For technical assistance with submitting an application, contact the Customer Support Hotline at 800–518–4726 or 606–545–5035, at, or at The Support Hotline operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except on federal holidays. Applicants must register with at prior to submitting an application. All applications are due by 11:59 p.m. eastern time on April 27, 2020. OJP encourages all applicants to read this Important Notice: Applying for Grants in For additional information, see the How to Apply ( section in the OJP Grant Application Resource Guide.
Network Notes
Catholic Charities opens new choice pantry
Catholic Charities of Corpus Christi is offering a new way for clients to meet their food requirements. It's called the Choice Pantry and it gives people a chance to choose the foods they really need as opposed to receiving a pre-packaged set of items.
"Market to Hope" food pantry
Bishop Curtis Guillory, S.V.D., D.D., Diocese of Beaumont, blesses the new “Market to Hope” food pantry at Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas.
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Baton Rouge expands early childhood education program
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Baton Rouge expanded its early-childhood education programming in Pointe Coupee and St. Helena parishes thanks to grants from the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana Foundation and the Huey and Angelina Wilson Foundation. Read more here.
Employment Opportunities
Catholic Charities job opportunities now listed on CCUSA website
Anyone can view the job opportunities by clicking on the "Careers" tag on the footer of the CCUSA webpage. To post a job opportunity, one must be a member and have access to the members' portal in order to fill out the submission form (click on "Careers" tag on members only portal homepage). If you have any questions about the new job opportunities submission form, please contact David Werning or Lily Stewart. Please click here to access job opportunities.
CCUSA Photo Gallery
Did you know that one of the benefits CCUSA provides to member agencies is access to a professional photo gallery? Visit our Flickr photo pages to explore our albums and photos. If you would like a high-resolution version for your agency's use, please email CCUSA with photo number.