He really believes in the ethic that was embodied so well in former First Lady Michelle Obama’s timeless directive:

John, when Cory talks about building a more just, loving nation, he means it.

It’s why he doesn’t believe in name-calling or the vicious smears that have become commonplace on the far-right fringe of our politics.

He really believes in the ethic that was embodied so well in former First Lady Michelle Obama’s timeless directive:

“When they go low, we go high.”

Love. Joy. Compassion.

That’s what Cory is working to help every single person in this country feel — particularly from the government that represents them.

With less than 48 hours until his mid-quarter FEC deadline, will you add a contribution of $10 or any amount to help Cory keep fighting for the more just, loving nation we know we can become?

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Thanks for doing your part to ensure that Cory can always count on this team’s grassroots support.

— Team Booker