Food Inflation Crushes Household Budgets
The CEO of Target stores recently explained to CNBC that
American consumers
cut back significantly, “even on grocery items.” He relayed
to the business channel that “even in food and beverage categories,
over the last few quarters, the units, the number of items they’re
buying, has been declining.”
Admittedly, few on the political right will shed any tears for the
executive suite of Target, a company infamous for its obsession with
woke politics. Nonetheless, Target provides a key gauge of overall
consumer health. After all, this chain of nearly 2,000 big box stores,
with more than 400,000 employees, boasts a market cap value of $50

America Become a Police State?
Today’s America looks more like China or
North Korea than the land of the free. But some people are standing up
to this attack on our liberty—and enduring the harsh consequences to
their own personal lives. Dinesh D’Souza is one of them. Restoration
News was privileged to attend two movie premieres for his new
film Police State, where the
filmmaker outlined how Americans can join in the fight to preserve our
way of life.
What does it mean to have freedom? Freedom is security for yourself
and your family. It’s means having money for groceries, schooling,
decent living conditions, and relaxation. It means not being harassed
or arrested on frivolous charges by your own government. It’s freedom
of speech, freedom of religion, the right to bear arms, and other
liberties we enjoy under the Constitution’s Bill of Rights.

ProPublica: The
Attack Arm of the Democratic Party with journalist Bronson
First Right
speaks with Bronson Winslow, investigative journalist for Restoration
of America, on his groundbreaking report: ProPublica: The Attack Arm of the Democratic
Party. Watch as Bronson dismantles the media industrial complex of
the Left by exposing donors, biased articles, and liberal staff.
It’s time for
conservatives to learn the truth behind this “trusted” investigative

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