UK court made their rulings in his divorce case public
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Torture, Abductions By Dubai Ruler: Court Reveals
UK court made their rulings in his divorce case public
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Raheel Raza: Answering Women on Women's Day
Pakistani friends claim, 'Everyday is Women's Day.' True or false?
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Bernie Sanders: Ilhan Omar Is "One of the Greatest People I Know"
Sanders surrounds himself with the most radical politicians of our time
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Pentagon Failed to Properly Vet Saudi Pensacola Killer
Plus a loophole allowed him to legally obtain a gun
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Readers Write
Schumer, Democrat Thugs Threaten Republicans
“Just anyone find it ironic that Schumer is threatening the Supreme Court over a measure that would actually make abortion safer for the women who choose to have it?”
- A.J.
Rashida Tlaib’s Friend Hosts Anti-Semitic Hate Rally in DC
“Yet if we say any truth about her, we are censured.”
- P.S.
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