“When they [the shepherds] had seen Him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this Child.” — Luke 2:17 (NIV)

Dear John,

In the middle of a tumultuous time in our world, we have the opportunity to go and tell those who have never heard about Jesus the GOOD NEWS of His coming.

On that first Christmas — when life looked bleak for many people — some simple shepherds received good news. They ran to see the baby in a manger, and told everyone about the message of hope they had received.

We can do the same by expressing the kindness of Jesus and revealing His hope to people in the toughest places. 

Through the Unto® Gift Catalog, your gift of meals, clean water, or critical aid will help relieve suffering. Donations to the Maximum Impact Fund make ALL the projects in the Gift Catalog possible by providing ministry support where most urgently needed.

We also have an exciting announcement: The matching amount just increased! Now your gift to the Maximum Impact Fund will be DOUBLED up to $710,000 to reveal help and hope to even more people in the coming year...

This is the largest matching commitment Unto has ever had. Let's go tell those who have never heard! 

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