Now’s the time when we need to smash the narrative of apathy, fatalism, of the “enthusiasm gap” and show that we are all in to win in 2024.

You’ve heard of Giving Tuesday? This is something like that, only our goal isn’t a dollar amount, but rather getting as many individual donors involved as possible to defy the doom and gloom narratives about next year’s election and to show this movement gives a sh*t about winning in 2024! On Giving Tuesday itself, usually a big fundraising day for our organization, we’ll be raising funds for humanitarian relief instead.
Both of our co-executive directors -- Ezra and Leah -- have reached out over the past few days to share their thoughts on 2024. Their emails are lengthy and detailed, but ultimately come down to this:
- 2024 is going to be an extremely close election. It’s all but certain Trump will be the Republican nominee, and one year out, he’s maintaining a slight lead.
- The scariest thing for us right now isn’t Trump or MAGA generally, because we have a plan to beat them, and we’ve shown again and again, we can do it. The biggest threats we face are complacency, fatalism, and apathy heading into 2024.
These threats all come from different places, whether a lack of enthusiasm for another Trump/Biden matchup, overconfidence that one of Trump’s many indictments will take him down, or just a general feeling of dread and exhaustion at having to wage yet another fight to defend our democracy from fascism.
But they all have the same result: inaction and defeat. We either do everything we can to win in 2024 and restore a trifecta that can do cool stuff like restoring Roe, passing voting rights, bringing back the Child Tax Credit, making healthcare cheaper, getting assault rifles off our streets, building a green economy and more, OR we get Trump and slide further toward autocracy and climate disaster.
We dubbed today Giving a Sh*t Tuesday because now’s the time we need to make that choice. Now’s the time when we need to break the narrative of apathy, of fatalism, of the “enthusiasm gap” and show that we are all in to win in 2024.
We set a goal of bringing in 1,000 donations today to help turbocharge the grassroots organizing we need to win in 2024 AND to create a contagious energy that’ll carry us into the election year. And right now, we're asking everyone who is in a position to do so to chip in any amount -- whether $1, $100 or more -- to show your commitment to defeating Trump and saving our democracy. If you’re unable to give, you can sign up to volunteer here.
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Listen -- Indivisible was born from regular folks all over the country who woke up one dark morning in 2016 wishing they’d done more to prevent Trump’s election when they had the chance. And we know from talking to our leaders and members that they aren’t about to be caught off guard this time.
If you’re reading this email, we know you get the stakes and you’re not part of the so-called “enthusiasm gap.” But the other gap we’re seeing is in fundraising -- and that’s a gap that’s being felt across progressive organizations who will be responsible for getting regular voters in swing states keyed into the stakes of this election, registered, and out to the polls.
So we’re asking you to donate (or to sign up to volunteer) today as a symbol of your commitment, yes -- but most importantly to help us do the outreach necessary to get voters all over the country who might be tuned out right now to give a, you know, about this election as much as they did in 2020.
We’re talking about reaching disaffected voters who aren’t super tuned into politics and aren’t easy to reach with political ads -- and certainly aren’t reading emails like this one.
How will your donation help us do that? Ezra and Leah went into it in a lot of detail in their recent emails, but it comes down to:
- Making this election a contrast between the MAGA extremism that threatens our rights and our broadly popular agenda. That’s how we won in 2018, 2020, 2022, and in special elections all over the country since.
- Communicating that contrast through trusted messengers, not TV ads and political speeches. We’re talking about tens of thousands of one on one conversations in the key areas of the country that are going to decide this election.
Indivisible’s campaign to win in 2020 required tens of millions of dollars to mobilize and train a massive number of volunteers; recruit new people to their local Indivisible groups; and provide voter contact resources, tools, and technology to our entire network.
We’re ready to do it again -- but it won’t be cheap. And it won’t happen without all of us fully committed to the cause.
Does it matter, really, if you chip in today or next week? Real talk, no. If we don’t reach 1,000 donations today, the work will go on and your donations will be put to good use. But the investments required to win do need to happen soon -- and if you’ve read this far, it’s clear you give a sh*t about making it happen. So please: Donate now or sign up to volunteer.
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Again and again -- including just last week, we’ve shown what this movement can do when we all work together and reject cynicism, complacency, and fatalism. We can do it again in 2024. But we’ve got to invest now.
In solidarity, Indivisible Team