BREAKING NEWS: A member of the Convention of States – one of the main groups behind the plot to gut our Constitution – kindly joined our online members-only meeting on Article V.
In a so-called “exclusive” article, the Convention of States called me out by name, and claimed Common Cause was spreading lies about the Article V plot to rewrite our Constitution.
Here’s what I think, John: Convention of States is trying to infiltrate and undermine us because they KNOW we’re succeeding – and they’re scared. Why else would they go to such great lengths to undermine our work?
Let’s for a second entertain their claim. Here are the facts about Article V:
- There are no rights that couldn’t be changed by an Article V convention, including free speech, equal protection, or even free and fair elections.
- There are no guidelines on who gets a seat at the “table” and who is left out – meaning there’s no guarantee that the American people would be equally represented.
- There is no language in the U.S. Constitution to limit a convention to one issue.
- There are no limits on corporate or special interest influence.
- There is nothing prohibiting convention attendees from creating their own rules at the convention.
We’ve already heard from one of the ringleaders behind the Article V plot that his goal is to keep the government out of “education, energy, or healthcare.”
And we know that mainly wealthy donors, corporations, and radical far-right actors are behind calls for Article V.
That pretty much tells you all you need to know about who will benefit – while people like you and me have to deal with pollution in our neighborhoods, even less funding for public schools, and rising costs for already expensive prescription drugs.
The worst part? This plot is just six states away from becoming a reality.
That’s right – we can’t afford to lose any ground. Especially when groups like Convention of States are actively undermining our work.
Here’s the good news: Common Cause knows what it takes to stop Article V. Just this year, we stopped an Article V call in Montana by one vote, thanks to the support of members like you.
But John, I have to be honest, this hasn’t been an easy fight. We’re up against extremist groups like the Convention of States and the wealthy donors backing them. But Common Cause is the voice for the people, and we won’t give up.
I’m writing to you today to ask if I can count on your support to keep up our critical work to stop extremists from rewriting our Constitution. Are you with us?
Thank you for fighting for our rights.
Viki Harrison, Director of Constitutional Convention & Protect Dissent Programs
and the team at Common Cause
P.S. Missed our Article V webinar? Check out the recording here >>