Tammy Duckworth

John — we're emailing to respectfully ask if you can make a $5 contribution to Tammy Duckworth's campaign before tomorrow's mid-month fundraising deadline.

We're sorry to be so blunt, but right now we're falling behind on our November grassroots fundraising goals. And with the holidays just around the corner, the reality is that over the next few weeks, it'll only get tougher to get back on track.

We can't afford to come up short. If we do, Tammy might not have the resources necessary to help Democrats in close races across the country defend our Senate majority. So we're asking:

Can you make a contribution — of $5, $10 or any amount you can afford — to Tammy Duckworth today? Every donation goes a long way, so add yours before our mid-month fundraising deadline tomorrow at midnight.

The clock is ticking, and we're counting on supporters like you to help us show the strength of this grassroots team.

Thank you for being a part of it.

- Team Duckworth


Paid For By Tammy For Illinois

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