DON’T MISS THIS NEW EPISODE!The War Between Civilization and SavageryWatch Chilling "Hamas-In Their Voices"- A 2-minute video explaining why we must stand with Israel! Congratulations! Last week we surpassed a huge milestone with over 152 million real actions taken with over 2 million last week.Our Top 5 Campaigns for the Week: #2) Defund Extremist, Pro-Hamas Organizations! #3) Stop Palestinian Refugees from Entering the US! #4) Stop Anti-Semitism on College Campuses! #5) Expel Rep. Rashida Tlaib for Standing with Hamas! Thanks to every patriot taking a few minutes out of their day each week, we are doing a lot of good work and achieving real victories, including the successful censure of Rep. Rashida Tlaib last week! Effective grassroots starts with real people sending emails, signing petitions, making phone calls, and spreading the word through social media and good old email forwarding, asking others to partner with us to Act for America and multiply our efforts. Keep up the amazing work that makes our shared achievements possible! This fall marks the 2nd Anniversary of the launch of our ACT NOW Digital Activism Platform. Since then, our members have sent hundreds of millions of emails directly to lawmakers that truly serve to remedy the issues we care about most. While others get trapped in a loop of complaining and discouragement, we are witnessing people like you making a real difference. Brigitte Gabriel and the entire Act for America staff want to personally thank every one of you who has supported and participated in this work. Together we will make America First and save our Republic! For those bravely participating in the National Stand With Israel Day in Washington DC and local rallies, we ask you to remain vigilant, proactive, and security-minded, and always know where your law enforcement is, at all times, to quickly intervene if you see any altercations developing. “Deeds, not words, shape our destiny!”You're currently a free subscriber to Act for America. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription. |