You know as well as I do that our beloved universities are tangling up the minds of our children.
It is devastating to see our students protest in support of terrorists and startling to learn our universities accept funding from nations that support terrorism.
Our children deserve an education untainted by such dangerous influences. We must demand our university presidents to close all funding grants and scholarships from terrorist-supporting nations.
We need to make sure our institutions of higher learning are not breeding grounds for hatred and violence.
It is up to us, the American people, to ensure our universities are safe and secure places for our children to learn and grow. Let's stand together on this. We need your signature and your voice.
Yours in freedom and justice, Anna Derbyshire and the entire CitizenGO Team P.S. We're stronger together. Please share this petition with as many patriots as you know. Let's create a wave of change that our university presidents can't ignore! Here's the email we sent you earlier on this:
 Stop our top universities from being breeding grounds for extremism! Protect our education system from foreign influence. Sign the petition NOW – safeguard our future! SIGN THE PETITION |
Dear John,
In the wake of the recent attack on Israel, we witnessed unsettling scenes of our own students at our nation's prestigious universities protesting in support of Hamas terrorists. These protests were not born in a vacuum. They are the result of the massive funding these universities receive from nations that support terror. Our universities are being used as vehicles of power. The partnerships with foreign governments raise serious concerns. Freedom and democracy are portrayed as evil in these governments and now in U.S. university classrooms.
This is an urgent call to our top university presidents to close all funding grants and scholarships from terrorist-supporting nations!
Across the globe, democracy and freedom are threatened by terrorist organizations. Their proclaimed agenda is to obliterate all who oppose the terrorist agenda of enslavement and barbarianism. Our country's top universities are also under attack. Billions of dollars are pouring in from terrorist-supporting nations, influencing our education system with their extremist ideologies. U.S. Universities receive public funds along with untold millions of dollars from nations like Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and China. We will pay the high price of forfeiting our future national leaders to terrorist propaganda. Faculty and staff are on the payroll of nations whose greatest desire is to destroy the United States, our allies, and all we are built upon. Qatar has pumped over $1 billion into U.S. universities in just seven years. Saudi Arabia and China are not far behind, contributing around half a billion each. Harvard, with its pro-Hamas, anti-Semitic protests, tops the list, receiving over $1 billion from 60 countries. These funds are not just financial aid. They are buying influence over our brightest minds.
We need your voice to help demand that our university presidents reject funding from these dangerous sources.
If we continue to do nothing, as we did when we were ignorant of these influential funds, we are handing our future freedoms to tyranny and extremism. But because we are now aware, we must quell the devastating influence of terrorist supporters and restore the ideals of freedom in our higher education system. We must act now to persuade university presidents to reject funds from foreign powers that support terrorism. We need as many signatures as possible to make an impression.
Please call on our university presidents to stop this dangerous funding! Thank you for standing with us, Anna Derbyshire and the entire CitizenGO Team P.S. Once you've signed, please share this petition with those you know who love freedom. We need university presidents across our nation to hear our voices.
More information: - The Doha Experiment - Universities on the Foreign Payroll - Qatar, Which Funds And Harbors Hamas, Has Liberal Universities On Its Payroll