As you know, a number of important states vote tomorrow. But...

Friends -

In just a moment, I am going to ask you to make a contribution to our campaign before tomorrow’s primaries. Please give me a chance to explain why this request — especially today — is so important.

As you know, a number of important states vote tomorrow. And the truth is, a record number of individual donations have put us in a position to do well.

But right now, we’re finalizing our plans for the week that follows — big and expensive states like Illinois, Ohio, Florida, and Arizona. And in just a few hours, I am likely to approve additional money to run ads from Tuesday (tomorrow) to next Tuesday (Election Day).

So today, we are not only asking you to donate — but to do a bit more, because the stakes are high.

Right now, most first-time donors are giving around three dollars. If you could possibly chip in $10 we’ll have the resources we need to up our buys and reach new voters who are deciding who to vote for. What do you say?

Can you make a $10 contribution to our campaign before midnight tonight? We’ll put it right to work fully funding our ad campaigns in the states ahead and helping Bernie win this nomination.

Joe Biden has raised almost $20 million this month, and he has two super PACs spending millions more to beat us.

Well, Bernie is never going to beg rich folks for money and we don’t have a super PAC. Our only chance to fund a winning campaign is lots and lots of people making donations. And today, with so many primaries looming, we are so appreciative that you are able to do a little bit more. It will be the difference.

All my best,

Faiz Shakir
Campaign Manager