Ron DeSantis has led, fought, and won. He has earned my endorsement, and I am proud to support of him. Will you join me?
Hi John,
My mission as Iowa's governor has been simple: Keep Iowa moving forward.
As a governor, it was my honor to welcome the candidates to Iowa for the first-in-the-nation caucus. But as a mother and a grandmother—as an American—I can’t stand on the sidelines. This election is too important. Joe Biden has turned America upside down, and we need a President who will keep AMERICA moving forward.
There is only one candidate in this race that I trust to get the job done: Ron DeSantis.
I am proud to support Ron DeSantis to be our next President of the United States of America. He's put in the work in Iowa, well on his way toward making a stop in all 99 counties. And I know as our next President, he will put in the work to fight, win, and lead America's comeback!
I know we all have our reasons for who we're supporting, but I want you to hear from me on why he has earned my endorsement:
He understands putting the people he serves first: I watched Ron DeSantis stand up for the freedom, finances, and future of his people. Throughout COVID-19, he fought to keep his state open despite all the heat that Fauci, Democrats, and the DC establishment threw his way - just like we did, he fought for freedom.
He's a proven champion for fiscal conservatism and running a thriving economy: In Iowa and Florida, we've provided an example to the nation of what it looks like to run an economy with a budget surplus, so we can return taxpayer dollars back to hardworking families. This is how it should be done. That’s not controversial - it’s common sense!
Ron DeSantis is the only candidate FIGHTING for parents' rights: As parents themselves, Ron and Casey have set the example to protect the rights of parents to raise and educate their kids as they see fit. This is not something our next President should compromise on, and I know Ron DeSantis won't comprise. Children belong to parents, NOT the government.
Ron DeSantis has been a consistent fighter for women and girls: Under Ron DeSantis' leadership, Florida helped lead the way in putting a stop to the absurdity of men unfairly competing in women's sports. I am proud to say that in both Iowa and Florida, no girls will ever have their dreams ripped away because they're forced to compete against biological males. And I know as President, Ron DeSantis will protect women's sports!
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Ron DeSantis was a member of the United States Navy. Use of his military rank, job titles and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Navy or the Department of Defense.
Paid for by Ron DeSantis for President
This email was sent by: Ron DeSantis for President PO Box 3696
Tallahassee, FL 32315