John, We need to share something with you from our internal records: Committee to Defeat the President, a.k.a. INTERNAL CONTACT RECORD » Supporter: [email protected] » ID: 1699902247457 Support for Pres. Trump: Y/N » STATUS: UNKNOWN? | Have you abandoned President Trump, John? PLEASE INDICATE A RESPONSE NOW: » Yes, Pres. Trump has lost my support... » NO! I AM STILL WITH PRES. TRUMP! As the nation’s leading anti-Joe Biden organization, the Committee to Defeat the President is the tip of the spear in the effort to defeat Biden and re-elect Pres. Trump. But based on your absence of support, we will be forced to flag you as a NON-SUPPORTER unless we hear from you in the next 48 HOURS. With Pres. Trump now facing off against Biden’s corrupt and weaponized DOJ in multiple court battles — wherein he is being gagged and even fined for refusing to let them silence him — we are the leading voice standing up for Pres. Trump. To avoid being flagged as a NON-SUPPORTER of Pres. Trump, please reengage with the Committee to Defeat the President with a contribution of $5 or more to indicate your level of support. PLEASE INDICATE A RESPONSE NOW: » Yes, Pres. Trump has lost my support... » NO! I AM STILL WITH PRES. TRUMP! You have 48 hours to indicate your support for Pres. Trump and have your status updated. Please send your response. RESPOND IN 48 HOURS
The Committee to Defeat the President ( is a grassroots-funded effort dedicated to stopping Joe Biden and (as they would say) "resisting" the Democrat Party's radical socialist agenda.
We know that emails are a crucial way for us to stay in touch with supporters like we sent this alert to you at your email account, but if you're ready to throw in the towel: You can unsubscribe here.
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Our movement is driven and accountable to supporters like you. Your grassroots support is critical to helping us defeat Joe. If you'd like to contribute, please go here. Thank you – and God bless you – for your support!