Hello John,
I cannot believe we are in the middle of November. It has been a long, productive year and my gratitude is full. The Alliance San Diego team has directed their focus into some amazing work; I applaud their dedication and loyalty. It has helped us get closer to the inclusive democracy we envision. Whether we are arming future leaders with the language of human rights, calling out US violations to the UN in Geneva, making protest signs, delivering comments at hearings, or reminding others of their inherent dignity, Alliance San Diego continues to strive for an environment of safety, harmony, equality, and justice.
I also appreciate all of your support; it has given us the opportunity to reach more people in the community. Every year, we embark on a fundraising campaign to fuel the expansion of our reach. We dream up meaningful ways to engage our current supporters, acquire new supporters, and seek more resources to sustain us. We are willing to provide as much time and energy as it takes to ensure that we all have full access to their human rights and participate in an inclusive democracy with dignity, but we need your help. Our success is bolstered by the strong principles and generosity of supporters like you. This year we learned that when we honor humanity, we uplift the interconnectedness we have in the fight for true justice. Will you help by making a contribution to the fight?
Making a contribution to our annual campaign means we get to train and develop more leaders, educate more voters, advocate for policies that hold political officers accountable, and communicate the narratives of affected community members. Every day we continue on the mission to create sustainable change for this generation and all those that follow. When you donate to Alliance San Diego, you preserve and amplify the torch that illuminates the path to a brighter future.