URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Sign the petition to SHUT DOWN Shell’s plastic plant in Beaver County, Pennsylvania!
Flames shooting into the air. A night sky filled with an unnatural orange glow. Noxious odors penetrating residential neighborhoods.
These are just some of the horrifying experiences Pennsylvanians have experienced since Shell opened its plastic plant. In fact, that plant malfunctioned and triggered excess gas flaring just TWO WEEKS after opening.
Before the plant even opened Shell had already violated its 12-month emission limits for carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and volatile organic compounds -- these are toxic chemicals that Pennsylvania communities cannot afford to be breathing. Some families chose to move away to escape the looming threat to their children’s health! Please, Friend, support the demands of Pennsylvanians and tell the Department of Environmental Protection to SHUT DOWN the Shell plastic plant!
*Your Signature is Missing, Friend*
If you looked out your window and saw flames shooting into an orange sky, wouldn’t you worry about what pollution might be being released into your community? Shell has a long history of dodging accountability and deflecting blame at the expense of our communities. I wouldn’t trust their operations either.
Meanwhile, Shell executives are raking in the profits far away from the pollution their plants are creating. The people of Beaver County deal with the consequences and get none of the benefits. Their demand is reasonable -- and your action can help them before another dangerous malfunction happens! Tell the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection to STOP operations at Shell’s plastic plant by 11:59pm TONIGHT!
Standing with you,
Paloma Henriques
Senior petrochemical campaigner,
Friends of the Earth