Information . Empowerment . Health Rights
Support AVFCA's 2024 Efforts with a Generous Donation TODAY!
As part of A Voice for Choice Advocacy’s remarkable community, you have journeyed with us over the years, united by a shared commitment to educate, advocate and empower people to be fully informed about their health rights, with respect to informed choice, transparency and privacy, including the composition, quality, and short- and long-term health effects of all products that go into people’s bodies, such as food, water, air, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics.
You make this possible! Each day, A Voice for Choice Advocacy’s legislative team, legal team, grassroots team and media team are powered by your donations and volunteer efforts. Because of you, 2023 has been extremely successful for AVFCA with legislative wins ensuring no HPV vaccine mandates and educating on the importance of tree canopies in schools through SB 499, legal suits filed chipping away at SB 277 and EUA products, and grassroots outreach making schools less toxic and moms-to-be educated about natural, pharmaceutical-free childbirth.
Thank you in advance for your dedication and support!

AVFCA's 2024 Goals that will be Supported by your Donation!
CA Legislation
- Get AVFCA sponsored legislation authored
- Monitor 3000+ bills during CA legislative session
- Oppose and amend “bad” bills
- Support “good” bills
Grassroots Outreach
- Grow Stand Up California Community Groups
- Write and edit weekly informative AVFC articles
- Send Non-Toxic Schools Education packages on Turf, Pesticides, EMF and Mold
- Sponsor childbirth classes to educate on health freedom choices during birth and in the first year of life
CA Lawsuits
- File SB 277 Religious Exemption Lawsuit
- Support SB 277 immunity lawsuit
- Support COVID-19 product lawsuit

How Much Should I Give and
What Could my Donation be Used For?*
AVFCA's Winter Fundraiser Goal: $100,000
Your generosity, however large or small, will help AVFCA in 2024. Donate...
- $25 = A copy of AVFC’s A Voice Unfiltered Magazine (a compilation of AVFC’s original articles) delivered to your CA legislator
- $100 = A Non-Toxic Schools educational package delivered to a CA public school
- $200 = A couple attends child birth classes based on natural, pharmaceutical free childbirth
- $500 = An hour of AVFCA's legal team's time towards AVFCA's current and future lawsuits
- $600 = A AVFC Weekly Article to be written, edited and published
- Donate $1000 per person for dinner with Christina: min. 2 people, max. 10 people at a mutually agreed upon date and location in CA, in the next 6 months.
Your donation will be considered an unrestricted gift allowing AVFCA to determine how it can best be used. Your donations will primarily go to paying our amazing team - Legislative Grassroots, Legal and Media. For a non-profit this is a very lean and fiscally responsible team. AVFCA takes serious consideration about how your donations are spent and stretches out every single one of them. While AVFCA pays our team fairly, I (Christina) do not take any payment from A Voice for Choice Advocacy and continue to donate all my time (over 60 hours a week!).
Please make a donation today to A Voice for Choice Advocacy, so we can continue doing this critical work in 2024!

For options to donate and support A Voice for Choice (our 501c3 sister organization), please see below.
Donate your used vehicle in a hassle free way, while getting a tax deductible receipt for your donation. Just go to: https://careasy.org/nonprofit/a-voice-for-choice
Donate stock through Stock Donator, which processes stock donations for non profits. https://stockdonator.com/donate-stock-online-now/. A Voice for Choice will receive your donation and you will not have to pay capital gains tax on your donation
Donate cryptocurrency through Every.org, which processes cryptocurrency donations for non profits: https://www.every.org/a-voice-for-choice
Most large corporations have some kind of matching program when their employees donate or even volunteer time to a non-profit organization. AVFC is on most corporate matching lists (and if not can easily be added). If you make a donation to A Voice for Choice (or have done in the past year) and work for a corporation that matches funds, please be sure to let them know that you have donated and request the funds to be matched. Here is a small sample of what different corporations match: https://360matchpro.com/matching-gift-companies/

Together we can make change happen!
Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]
