I want to give you an advance look at our new video, John!

There's a lot on the line in this year's election. We have a bold, principled, progressive vision for America (universal health care, a Green New Deal, ending the housing crisis, ending gun violence, fixing our broken immigration system, taking on income inequality, and so much more). It's critical we take back the White House and the Senate and hold the House so we can win these fights and make our government work for working families.

Our democracy is threatened like never before. And before we can move our agenda forward, we have to defeat Donald Trump – the most corrupt, dangerous president we've ever seen. Our movement's been on the front lines of the resistance from Day One and we'll be working around the clock this year to end Trump's escalating attacks on our Constitution and our values.

That's why building this grassroots movement is so important, John; we need to show Trump and his enablers that we're taking our democracy back, and they can't stop us.

Check out the video now to learn more about how we're going to win this fight.



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