Please, take a minute and give us a chance to explain why your first contribution is so important.

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Our mid-month deadline is right around the corner. Our fundraising is not where it needs to be. So we’re going to give you five good reasons to donate to Ruben Gallego’s campaign today.

Please, take a minute and give us a chance to explain why your first contribution is so important.

  1. We’re running to take back Arizona’s Senate seat from Kyrsten Sinema, but she isn’t just going to bow out. She has $10+ million in the bank and a few dozen billionaires in her pocket. She’ll use every dollar to beat Ruben.

  2. If we win, we hold control in the Senate. We get back to work. We deliver for the American people. If we lose, it’s Senate Majority Leader McConnell calling the shots — with the “MAGA Queen” Kari Lake on the national stage.

  3. This is bigger than just who controls the Senate. Kari Lake is a threat to our democracy itself. She’s spent the last two years spreading lies, conspiracies, and threats of political violence. She has to be stopped.

  4. This will be one of the most expensive, one of the hardest fought races in the country. And in a leaked poll, Kari Lake has a one-point edge over Ruben. She could win this. She really could.

  5. If we don’t catch up on our goals before folks check out for the holidays, it could be a disaster for our chances next November. We have to hit these goals because they are what we need to raise to win.

Those are the five best reasons we can think of to chip in to Ruben’s campaign. But now, the ball is in your court.

Can you make that contribution and help Ruben Gallego win Arizona’s Senate seat? If you can afford a donation, use this link.


Thank you.

Team Gallego


Paid For By Gallego for Arizona

Use of military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform do not imply endorsement by the Department of the Navy or the Department of Defense.

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