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Hey, Texans!
What a fun week! We are always blowing and going, and I hope you're keeping up!
Last Sunday we got to listen to Sen Rand Paul. It was a packed house, and we were mesmerized by his stories of what went on behind the scenes during Covid. And what's cool is that afterwards, one True Texan took what he learned from Rand and used it to vet a candidate running for Congress. He wanted to make sure that, if elected, the candidate would work to stop federal funding for "gain of function" virus research. That's awesome!
Yesterday I took the mainstage at the TEXIT convention to encourage everyone to takethenextstep in their activist efforts. No matter what you're doing as an activist, it's time to go further. I brought up these ladies during my speech to give testimonies regarding every age and stage of life. We ALL must be involved more than ever before. Thank you to Texas Nationalist Movement for inviting us to be a part of your event!
And I know you'll all be thrilled as I was to learn that on Saturday night, Shelley Luther made her first public appearance since her aneurysm on April 4/5. Shelley was the salon owner who defied Abbott's order to shut down her business during Covid, then she spent the next two years energizing our peeps speaking at TTP events. Plus, she and her husband Tim have provided the music for most of our events, like our Christmas parties, our hymn sings, and our leadership summit. 100s of us have been praying for her healing and recovery. Welcome back to the stage, Shelley! We missed you!
As great as this past week was, the next 2 weeks are even better as we host TTP meetings (and Friendsgivings!) all over the state. I'll see you in Longview, Williamson County, Cross Timbers (Granbury), and Grapevine!
Reaching the Youth!
One of my goals for TTP in the new year is to test out having a TP USA Highschool club meet alongside our regular monthly meetings (so the teens are meeting at the same time and same place as their parents but in a different room). If you know a teen who would like to help launch one of these, please let me know! They have to be student led, but TP USA offers all the programming and help. AND... right now TP USA is offering a pretty sweet deal to those who will step up. New leaders get a free trip to their conference! This includes travel, hotel, and ticket. Contact [email protected]. (There are also scholarship opportunities covering those same conference expenses.)
And speaking of reaching the youth and scholarships...
True Texas Essay Contest 2023!
Deadline is Nov 30, and all high school students in Texas (regardless of what type of school they go to) are eligible. BONUS - all winners are invited with 2 guests to either one of our Christmas parties too!
Fran's Friday Message
I was at the TEXIT Convention this week hosting a TTP booth and teaching workshops during break out sessions, which means there was no Fran's Friday Message for citizen advocates.
Fran & Julie Croy hosting our TTP booth at the TEXIT Convention
You probably know that the never-ending 88th Legislature is now in it's FOURTH special session. Immediately on the end of the third special, the Governor called a fourth. Topics for this session are somewhat broader than the previous three. The Governor's Proclamation lists several issues in education (including ESAs), school safety, and 2 border security topics.
The THIRD special session saw only 2 bills making their journey all the way to the Governor's desk. Will this one yield better results? We'll have to see, but I'm not holding my breath!
Stay Engaged! Fran Rhodes, President
PS. Need a quick update on the border issues to prep for this special session? Try this!
Let Us Pray!
Lord, please give a special provision to our leaders and members this coming week. Please bow the hearts of our elected representatives to know and apply YOUR will in the 4th special session. Be ever present at all the TTP events this week, and help us each know our role in implementing Your perfect will in our precious state of Texas. In Jesus Name, Amen
You're invited! IFApray.org is a group that started in the 1950s, and thy started statewide prayer calls last year. For Texas, the calls are every Thursday at 7:30am and 8:30pm. It's a conference call line, and they last about an hour. Dial in to 351.999.3722. You can also subscribe for weekly prayer points for Texas by emailing [email protected].
Get Your Tickets!
Friendsgiving in Grapevine has less than 2 dozen seats left. We love sharing this potluck meal together every year, and we especially love singing the hymns together. Join us! And look for other Thanksgiving events we're hosting all around the state!
Christmas Is Coming! Get your tickets for our dueling piano parties now in Houston (on 12/7) AND Grapevine (on 12/14). It's my favorite!
True Texans Taking Charge - Election 2024
There are so many facets to our Election 2024 efforts, but today I want to remind you about our How To video series. Each month, we put out a short video to take you further in your activism as it relates to elections and winning Texas!
Nov: This month at all of our meetings we've got a fun video on How To Maximize Social Media Influence. You'll like this one, so get to a meeting!
Jan: How To Blockwalk and Work Polls
Feb: How To Navigate the GOP Convention System
And don't forget to get this on your calendar...
True Texas Project Day of Action!
All across the state we will be hosting blockwalks and phone banking. Watch for it!
For those wondering about the townhalls that various Congressmen had to cancel due to being called back to DC, we are working on rescheduling those, plus of course our townhall with Ted Cruz.
This month we also host one of our Right Vs. ...Right? forums. This time we're holding it at our Williamson County satellite, with the topic "LGB in the GOP?" Come hear the pros and cons so that you can give an educated response no matter where you stand.
Don't miss out on some of the last monthly meetings of 2023! You can always see what's coming up by checking the Events page at this link but here’s a detailed look at the week ahead. And remember, no matter where you live, you are welcome at any meeting or event!
Click on the images to enlarge them, or right click to save them for sharing!
If you have questions, tips, or encouragement for the True Texas Team, reply to this email, and we’ll talk to you soon.
God Bless Texas! Julie McCarty, CEO
PS. You wouldn't believe how much stuff we DON'T send you in fear that you'll complain we send too much! The other day Fran needed to send out an alert about the positions for tax appraisal districts. We were trying to decide if we should send it now or later or when (???) so we don't clog up your inbox. My response to Fran?
How can we put activism on a freaking time schedule??? "Oh, I'm sorry... we've met our quota for alerting you to issues, so this one gets a free pass."
I know you and we are better than that... so we sent it! We promise to keep you updated on hot issues when we can, and we work hard to keep it all manageable!
True Texas Project works hard to train and engage activists. Can you help? We are 100% donation-based. Click here to donate to our movement. TrueTexasProject.com
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