It's going to take all of us raising our voices to challenge their power and get dark money out of politics for good.

Chris Coons

Today marks the anniversary of the House passing the For the People Act, the most comprehensive package of anti-corruption reforms since Watergate. But one year later, the bill is still collecting dust in Mitch McConnell's legislative graveyard.

Sign on now to demand McConnell bring this landmark legislation to a vote.


Dear John,

As soon as Democrats won the House majority, they made it their number one priority to pass the For the People Act, which protects voting rights and strengthens our elections. But a year later, Mitch McConnell still hasn't taken up this critical legislation for a vote.

Chris was endorsed by End Citizens United because he'll always fight to get dark money out of politics, but he can't do it without your help. He's counting on 1,000 grassroots supporters to urge McConnell to hold a vote, so please add your name to join him.

Special interest groups are used to getting their way in McConnell's Washington, and they'll spend whatever it takes to protect the status quo. It's pretty simple: our government should work for the people, not the special interests who think they call the shots in Washington.

It's going to take all of us raising our voices to challenge their power and get dark money out of politics for good. That starts with signing on to help Chris fight back against the special interests corroding our democracy.

Thank you,

Team Coons


Chris Coons is committed to standing up to the forces that divide us, ending the turmoil in Washington, and solving the issues that matter most to our nation — but he needs your help. Will you make a contribution today?

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