Jason Crow For Congress


The time I spent serving our country in uniform remains one of the greatest honors of my life. It is my North Star.

I served alongside some of the bravest people I know throughout my three tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. I witnessed the sacrifices they and their families made every single day, in service to the country we call home.

Today is an important reminder to celebrate the veterans in our lives and the sacrifices they’ve made for our country.

There is rarely a day that goes by where a combat veteran wakes up and doesn't think about their fellow soldiers — you feel an obligation to make sure their sacrifice was not made in vain. We’ve made significant progress, but there is still so much left to do.

Crow for Congress

To my fellow veterans: I promise you that as a member of Congress, I will always have your back.

I will work to fulfill our country’s promise to you.

I will never back down from protecting the democracy and country you worked so hard to defend.

You matter. Your service matters. It’s an honor to serve you — today and every day.

If you would like to help support our veterans today, I hope you will consider making a donation to Salute Colorado. Salute Colorado works to support veterans transitioning into civilian life through education, mentorship, and community. Make a charitable gift today.


Let’s do more than just honor and pay our respects to our troops. Let’s recommit to uplifting our veteran communities, and ensuring everyone can achieve their American Dream.

Thank you,
