In 2022, no one gave my husband Adam Frisch a chance against Lauren Boebert. Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight only gave Adam a 3% chance of defeating Boebert. They projected he’d lose by over 45,000 votes!


In 2022, no one gave my husband Adam Frisch a chance against Lauren Boebert.

Everywhere you looked, the political pundits were calling Colorado’s 3rd congressional district “Safe Republican” or “Solid R.”

Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight only gave Adam a 3% chance of defeating Boebert. They projected he’d lose by over 45,000 votes!

In the end, though, the race went to a recount. Lauren Boebert won by just 546 votes, and Adam lost the closest race in the entire country.

Because here’s what their “models” and “forecasts” didn’t factor in: Adam put in the work. He traveled 24,000 miles in our red pickup truck to every corner of the district. He met thousands and thousands of voters – and he listened.

Now, my husband’s running again, and I’ll be honest: The first campaign was hard. But defeating Lauren Boebert is just too important to sit this out. Adam’s all-in to finish the job in 2024. I’m all-in. Can we count on you?

Please, if you can afford to, will you chip in $5 or more right now to Adam’s campaign and help him defeat Lauren Boebert? We were outspent in 2022 and just barely lost. Whatever you can afford to give today will help us invest early and win.

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This is a journey we’re making again because so many people like you reached out and encouraged Adam to run one more time.

I know it means a lot to Adam that you have his back.

Thank you,
